package main import ( "errors" "fmt" "" "os" "strconv" ) type qwConfig struct { user, pass, dbName string basePath string port int } func checkedSection(config *configparser.Configuration, name string) (*configparser.Section, error) { section, err := config.Section(name) if nil != err { fmt.Println("ERROR! Could not locate section [" + name + "] in config file:", err) return nil, err } return section, nil } func checkedValue(section *configparser.Section, name string) (string, error) { if ! section.Exists(name) { return "", errors.New("ERROR! Value named \"" + name + "\" not found in config file.") } value := section.ValueOf(name) return value, nil } // Note: Will exit if config cannot be loaded func GetConfig() (*qwConfig) { config, err := loadConfig() if nil != err { fmt.Println("FATAL! Cannot load config. Unable to continue.", err) os.Exit(1) } return config } func loadConfig() (*qwConfig, error) { // TODO: Make the path to the config file configurable (environment variable?) // TODO: Load the config file once, and cache the values for subsequent getConfig() calls const configFile = "quanlib.ini" config, err := configparser.Read(configFile) if nil != err { fmt.Println("ERROR! Failed to read config file:", configFile, err) return nil, err } var section *configparser.Section // ------------------ // Section: database var dbName, user, pass string section, err = checkedSection(config, "database") if nil != err { return nil, err } dbName, err = checkedValue(section, "name") if nil != err { return nil, err } user, err = checkedValue(section, "user") if nil != err { return nil, err } pass, err = checkedValue(section, "pass") if nil != err { return nil, err } // -------------------- // Section: filesystem var basePath string section, err = checkedSection(config, "filesystem") if nil != err { return nil, err } basePath, err = checkedValue(section, "basePath") if nil != err { return nil, err } // ------------- // Section: web var port int var portStr string section, err = checkedSection(config, "web") if nil != err { return nil, err } portStr, err = checkedValue(section, "port") if nil != err { return nil, err } port, err = strconv.Atoi(portStr) if nil != err { return nil, err } return &qwConfig{ user:user, pass:pass, dbName:dbName, basePath:basePath, port:port }, nil }