package main import ( "database/sql" "fmt" _ "" // "json" ) type Book struct { Id int Age string // recommended age, e.g. "beginner", "junior", "ya" (Young Adult), "adult" AuthorGrouping string // unique rendering of the author's name, used for internal grouping AuthorReading string // reading order of author's name, e.g. "Charles Dickens" AuthorSort string // sort order of author's name, e.g. "Dickens, Charles" DDC string // Dewey Decimal Classification Description string // Back cover / inside flap blurb, describing the book Genre string // e.g. "adventure", "historical", "mystery", "romance", "sf" (Science Fiction) LCC string // Library of Congress Classification SeriesName string Title string Volume string } func main() { // TODO: protect DB with a real password, and read DB config from an external file db := openDb("quanlib", "quanlib", "quanlib") if nil == db { return } defer db.Close() query := "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Books" ps, err := db.Prepare(query) if nil != err { fmt.Println("Error: failed to prepare statement: " + query) return } var count int err = ps.QueryRow().Scan(&count) if sql.ErrNoRows == err { fmt.Println("Error: No rows returned by statement: " + query) } else { fmt.Println("Found ", count, " books.") } ids := []int {1041, 1951, 2148, 103} books := queryBooksByIds(db, ids) fmt.Println("Found books:", books) } func nsVal(ns sql.NullString) string { if ns.Valid { return ns.String } return "" } func openDb(user, pass, dbName string) (*sql.DB) { db, err := sql.Open("postgres","user=" + user + " password=" + pass + " dbname=" + dbName + " sslmode=disable") if nil != err { fmt.Println("Error: DB arguments incorrect?", err) return nil } err = db.Ping() if nil != err { fmt.Println("Error: could not connect to DB.", err) db.Close() return nil } return db } func queryBooksByIds(db *sql.DB, ids []int) []Book { query := `SELECT s.age,a.grouping,a.reading,a.sort,c.ddc,b.description,s.genre,c.lcc,s.descr,b.title,b.volume FROM Authors a INNER JOIN Books b ON LEFT OUTER JOIN Classifications c ON LEFT OUTER JOIN Series s ON WHERE$1` ps, err := db.Prepare(query) if nil != err { fmt.Println("Error: failed to prepare statement: " + query) return nil } defer ps.Close() res := make([]Book, len(ids)) for n, id := range ids { row := ps.QueryRow(id) var age, grouping, reading, sort, ddc, description, genre, lcc, name, title, volume sql.NullString err = row.Scan(&age, &grouping, &reading, &sort, &ddc, &description, &genre, &lcc, &name, &title, &volume) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error: Failed to read book:", id, ":", err) } else { var b Book b.Id = id b.Age = nsVal(age) b.AuthorGrouping = nsVal(grouping) b.AuthorReading = nsVal(reading) b.AuthorSort = nsVal(sort) b.DDC = nsVal(ddc) b.Description = nsVal(description) b.Genre = nsVal(genre) b.LCC = nsVal(lcc) b.SeriesName = nsVal(name) b.Title = nsVal(title) b.Volume = nsVal(volume) res[n] = b } } return res }