SQueLch This is a simple console-based SQL client. It is database-agnostic. Support for PostgreSQL is built-in, and MS SQL Server, MySQL and Oracle should work so long as you have the relevant JDBC driver .jar in your CLASSPATH. If you want to add support for a different database, see net.jaekl.db.DbDriver for details. To build it: $ mvn clean package To run it: Add your JDBC jar to your CLASSPATH, then: $ java -jar ./target/squelch-0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --help For example: $ java -jar squelch.jar -u chris -p passwordGoesHere -r postgresql:localhost/cfb Note that it's more secure to put your password in a config file instead, for example: $ cat >config.properties db.user=chris db.password=passwordGoesHere db.url=postgresql:localhost/cfb ^D $ java -jar squelch.jar --config ./config.properties The code is available under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL) version 3, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING for details. Note that this code, like Isaac Newton, stands on the shoulders of giants; it uses libraries from several other projects. Their licence terms are reproduced in the file THIRD_PARTY. *> Chris Jaekl https://www.jaekl.net/chris/