]> jaekl.net Git - frank.git/commitdiff
Remove more test output files that should not have been committed
authorChris Jaekl <cejaekl@yahoo.com>
Sat, 13 Dec 2014 02:50:55 +0000 (21:50 -0500)
committerChris Jaekl <cejaekl@yahoo.com>
Sat, 13 Dec 2014 02:50:55 +0000 (21:50 -0500)
result.xml [deleted file]
template.xml [deleted file]

diff --git a/result.xml b/result.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index eddd21c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1898 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-        xmlns='http://java.sun.com/jcov/namespace'
-        xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'
-        xsi:schemaLocation='http://java.sun.com/jcov/namespace coverage.xsd'>
-       <head>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.args' val=''/>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.mode' val='BRANCH'/>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.internal' val='include'/>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.include' val=''/>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.exclude' val=''/>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.caller_include' val='.*'/>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.caller_exclude' val=''/>
-               <property name='coverage.created.date' val='2014-12-12'/>
-               <property name='coverage.created.time' val='04:31:01'/>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.fullversion' val='2.0os.beta-1 built: 09 November 2014'/>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.name' val='jcov'/>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.version' val='2.0'/>
-               <property name='coverage.spec.version' val='1.3'/>
-               <property name='java.runtime.version' val='1.7.0_65-b32'/>
-               <property name='java.version' val='1.7.0_65'/>
-               <property name='os.arch' val='amd64'/>
-               <property name='os.name' val='Linux'/>
-               <property name='os.version' val='3.2.0-4-amd64'/>
-               <property name='user.name' val='chris'/>
-               <property name='dynamic.collected' val='false'/>
-               <property name='id.count' val='393'/>
-       </head>
-       <package name="net.jaekl.frank">
-               <class name="FrankBundle" supername="java/lang/Object" checksum="3968860020" source="FrankBundle.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="getInst" vmsig="(Ljava/util/Locale;)Lnet/jaekl/frank/FrankBundle;" flags=' public static' access="9" length="68">
-                               <bl s="0" e="15">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="15" id="0" count="11"/>
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-                                               <cond s="16" e="37" id="2" count="3" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="16" e="37">
-                                       <br s="35" e="37">
-                                               <cond s="47" e="60" id="3" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="38" e="46" id="4" count="3" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="38" e="46">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="47" e="60">
-                                       <fall s="47" e="60" id="7" count="3"/>
-                                       <goto s="58" e="60">
-                                               <tg s="66" e="67" id="5" count="3"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="61" e="65">
-                                       <catch s="61" e="65" id="6" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="65" e="65" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="66" e="67">
-                                       <exit s="67" e="67" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=31;11=32;16=33;22=34;33=35;38=36;47=38;56=39;66=41;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/util/Locale;)V" flags=' private' access="2" cons="true" length="18">
-                               <bl s="0" e="17">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="17" id="8" count="3"/>
-                                       <exit s="17" e="17" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=44;4=45;17=46;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="get" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="50">
-                               <bl s="0" e="7">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="7" id="9" count="34"/>
-                                       <br s="5" e="7">
-                                               <cond s="17" e="19" id="10" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="8" e="16" id="11" count="34" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="8" e="16">
-                                       <exit s="16" e="16" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
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-                                       <goto s="17" e="19">
-                                               <tg s="25" e="49" id="12" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="20" e="24">
-                                       <catch s="20" e="24" id="13" count="0"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="25" e="49">
-                                       <fall s="25" e="49" id="14" count="0"/>
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-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=50;8=51;17=58;20=54;21=56;25=59;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;clinit&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' static' access="8" clinit="true" length="11">
-                               <bl s="0" e="10">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="10" id="15" count="1"/>
-                                       <exit s="10" e="10" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=26;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="FrankException" supername="java/lang/Exception" checksum="1281835878" source="FrankException.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="6">
-                               <bl s="0" e="5">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="5" id="16" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="5" e="5" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=9;5=10;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="Schedule" supername="java/lang/Object" checksum="1001566032" source="Schedule.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/util/Locale;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="46">
-                               <bl s="0" e="45">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="45" id="17" count="8"/>
-                                       <exit s="45" e="45" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=20;4=21;9=22;17=23;31=24;45=25;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="trans" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;" flags='' access="0" length="9">
-                               <bl s="0" e="8">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="8" id="18" count="22"/>
-                                       <exit s="8" e="8" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=28;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="mapUrl" vmsig="(DD)Ljava/lang/String;" flags='' access="0" length="34">
-                               <bl s="0" e="33">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="33" id="19" count="6"/>
-                                       <exit s="33" e="33" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=32;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="writeStyle" vmsig="(Ljava/io/PrintWriter;)V" flags='' access="0" length="43">
-                               <bl s="0" e="42">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="42" id="20" count="14"/>
-                                       <exit s="42" e="42" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=36;6=37;12=38;18=39;24=40;30=41;36=42;42=43;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="writeScript" vmsig="(Ljava/io/PrintWriter;Ljava/lang/String;I)V" flags='' access="0" length="235">
-                               <bl s="0" e="234">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="234" id="21" count="2"/>
-                                       <exit s="234" e="234" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=47;8=48;16=50;22=51;28=52;56=53;62=54;68=55;74=56;113=57;141=58;147=59;153=60;159=61;165=62;171=63;177=64;210=65;216=66;222=67;228=68;234=70;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="writeHeader" vmsig="(Ljava/io/PrintWriter;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags='' access="0" length="52">
-                               <bl s="0" e="51">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="51" id="22" count="11"/>
-                                       <exit s="51" e="51" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=73;6=74;12=75;40=76;45=77;51=78;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="writePage" vmsig="(Ljava/io/PrintWriter;Lnet/jaekl/frank/octranspo/StopInfo;)V" flags='' access="0" length="698">
-                               <bl s="0" e="223">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="223" id="23" count="2"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="224" e="232">
-                                       <fall s="224" e="232" id="41" count="2"/>
-                                       <br s="230" e="232">
-                                               <cond s="602" e="697" id="24" count="2" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="233" e="243" id="25" count="2" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="233" e="243">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="244" e="253">
-                                       <fall s="244" e="253" id="42" count="2"/>
-                                       <br s="251" e="253">
-                                               <cond s="596" e="601" id="26" count="2" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="254" e="274" id="27" count="4" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="254" e="274">
-                                       <br s="272" e="274">
-                                               <cond s="279" e="279" id="28" count="4" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="275" e="278" id="29" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="275" e="278">
-                                       <goto s="276" e="278">
-                                               <tg s="280" e="286" id="30" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="279" e="279">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="280" e="286">
-                                       <fall s="280" e="286" id="43" count="4"/>
-                                       <br s="284" e="286">
-                                               <cond s="296" e="301" id="31" count="4" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="287" e="295" id="32" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="287" e="295">
-                                       <goto s="293" e="295">
-                                               <tg s="302" e="456" id="33" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="296" e="301">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="302" e="456">
-                                       <fall s="302" e="456" id="44" count="4"/>
-                                       <br s="454" e="456">
-                                               <cond s="464" e="486" id="34" count="1" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="457" e="463" id="35" count="3" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="457" e="463">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="464" e="486">
-                                       <fall s="464" e="486" id="45" count="3"/>
-                                       <br s="484" e="486">
-                                               <cond s="523" e="583" id="36" count="4" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="487" e="522" id="37" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="487" e="522">
-                                       <goto s="520" e="522">
-                                               <tg s="584" e="595" id="38" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="523" e="583">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="584" e="595">
-                                       <fall s="584" e="595" id="46" count="4"/>
-                                       <goto s="593" e="595">
-                                               <tg s="244" e="253" id="39" count="4"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="596" e="601">
-                                       <goto s="599" e="601">
-                                               <tg s="224" e="232" id="40" count="2"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="602" e="697">
-                                       <exit s="697" e="697" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=82;10=83;13=85;49=86;57=88;91=90;97=91;103=92;132=93;221=105;233=106;241=107;254=108;263=109;282=110;287=112;296=114;302=116;334=117;366=118;405=120;452=121;457=122;464=124;474=125;477=127;487=128;523=131;584=134;590=107;596=105;602=138;608=140;616=141;644=142;673=144;680=145;691=146;697=147;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="ViewSchedule" supername="javax/servlet/http/HttpServlet" checksum="1813169406" source="ViewSchedule.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="47" count="3"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=19;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getParamInt" vmsig="(Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest;Ljava/lang/String;)I" flags='' access="0" length="16">
-                               <bl s="0" e="11">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="11" id="48" count="4"/>
-                                       <exit s="11" e="11" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="12" e="15">
-                                       <catch s="12" e="15" id="49" count="3"/>
-                                       <exit s="15" e="15" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=28;7=30;12=32;14=34;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getParamString" vmsig="(Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;" flags='' access="0" length="26">
-                               <bl s="0" e="12">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="12" id="50" count="8"/>
-                                       <br s="10" e="12">
-                                               <cond s="22" e="23" id="51" count="2" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="13" e="21" id="52" count="6" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="13" e="21">
-                                       <br s="19" e="21">
-                                               <cond s="24" e="25" id="53" count="6" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="22" e="23" id="54" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="22" e="23">
-                                       <exit s="23" e="23" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="24" e="25">
-                                       <exit s="25" e="25" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=39;8=40;22=42;24=44;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getLocale" vmsig="(Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest;)Ljava/util/Locale;" flags='' access="0" length="35">
-                               <bl s="0" e="14">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="14" id="55" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="12" e="14">
-                                               <cond s="24" e="28" id="56" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="15" e="23" id="57" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="15" e="23">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="24" e="28">
-                                       <fall s="24" e="28" id="60" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="26" e="28">
-                                               <cond s="33" e="34" id="58" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="29" e="32" id="59" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="29" e="32">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="33" e="34">
-                                       <fall s="33" e="34" id="61" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="34" e="34" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=48;2=49;10=50;15=51;24=53;29=54;33=56;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="doGet" vmsig="(Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest;Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletResponse;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="148">
-                               <bl s="0" e="72">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="72" id="62" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="70" e="72">
-                                               <cond s="85" e="95" id="63" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="73" e="84" id="64" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="73" e="84">
-                                       <goto s="82" e="84">
-                                               <tg s="96" e="122" id="65" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="85" e="95">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="96" e="122">
-                                       <fall s="96" e="122" id="70" count="0"/>
-                                       <goto s="120" e="122">
-                                               <tg s="133" e="135" id="66" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="123" e="132">
-                                       <catch s="123" e="132" id="68" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="132" e="132" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="133" e="135">
-                                       <goto s="133" e="135">
-                                               <tg s="147" e="147" id="67" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="136" e="146">
-                                       <catch s="136" e="146" id="69" count="0"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="147" e="147">
-                                       <fall s="147" e="147" id="71" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="147" e="147" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=63;8=64;15=66;22=67;31=68;40=71;51=73;64=74;67=76;73=77;85=80;96=82;107=84;115=87;120=88;123=87;133=92;136=90;138=91;147=93;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="writeErrorPage" vmsig="(Ljava/io/PrintWriter;Ljava/lang/Throwable;Ljava/util/Locale;)V" flags='' access="0" length="156">
-                               <bl s="0" e="155">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="155" id="72" count="3"/>
-                                       <exit s="155" e="155" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=96;9=97;20=98;26=100;75=104;124=116;130=117;137=118;143=120;149=121;155=122;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-       </package>
-       <package name="net.jaekl.frank.octranspo">
-               <class name="NextTrips" supername="net/jaekl/frank/octranspo/StopInfo" checksum="2503522746" source="NextTrips.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="13">
-                               <bl s="0" e="12">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="12" id="73" count="1"/>
-                                       <exit s="12" e="12" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=9;12=10;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;clinit&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' static' access="8" clinit="true" length="58">
-                               <bl s="0" e="57">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="57" id="74" count="1"/>
-                                       <exit s="57" e="57" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=5;31=6;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="Route" supername="net/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult" checksum="3494611020" source="Route.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="46">
-                               <bl s="0" e="45">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="45" id="75" count="7"/>
-                                       <exit s="45" e="45" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=29;12=30;17=31;22=32;28=33;34=34;45=35;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getRouteNo" vmsig="()I" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="76" count="8"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=37;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getDirectionID" vmsig="()I" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="77" count="2"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=38;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getDirection" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="78" count="4"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=39;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getRouteHeading" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="79" count="4"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=40;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getNumTrips" vmsig="()I" flags=' public' access="1" length="8">
-                               <bl s="0" e="7">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="7" id="80" count="8"/>
-                                       <exit s="7" e="7" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=41;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getTrip" vmsig="(I)Lnet/jaekl/frank/octranspo/Trip;" flags=' public' access="1" length="19">
-                               <bl s="0" e="18">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="18" id="81" count="8"/>
-                                       <exit s="18" e="18" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=42;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="endContents" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="85">
-                               <bl s="0" e="8">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="8" id="82" count="22"/>
-                                       <br s="6" e="8">
-                                               <cond s="21" e="29" id="83" count="17" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="9" e="20" id="84" count="5" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="9" e="20">
-                                       <goto s="18" e="20">
-                                               <tg s="84" e="84" id="85" count="5"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="21" e="29">
-                                       <br s="27" e="29">
-                                               <cond s="42" e="50" id="86" count="13" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="30" e="41" id="87" count="4" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="30" e="41">
-                                       <goto s="39" e="41">
-                                               <tg s="84" e="84" id="88" count="4"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="42" e="50">
-                                       <br s="48" e="50">
-                                               <cond s="60" e="68" id="89" count="8" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="51" e="59" id="90" count="5" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="51" e="59">
-                                       <goto s="57" e="59">
-                                               <tg s="84" e="84" id="91" count="5"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="60" e="68">
-                                       <br s="66" e="68">
-                                               <cond s="78" e="83" id="92" count="4" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="69" e="77" id="93" count="4" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="69" e="77">
-                                       <br s="75" e="77">
-                                               <cond s="84" e="84" id="94" count="3" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="78" e="83" id="95" count="1" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="78" e="83">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="84" e="84">
-                                       <fall s="84" e="84" id="96" count="5"/>
-                                       <exit s="84" e="84" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=47;9=48;21=50;30=51;42=53;51=54;60=56;78=57;84=59;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="endExternal" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="86">
-                               <bl s="0" e="8">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="8" id="97" count="9"/>
-                                       <br s="6" e="8">
-                                               <cond s="85" e="85" id="98" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="9" e="29" id="99" count="9" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="9" e="29">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="30" e="36">
-                                       <fall s="30" e="36" id="107" count="9"/>
-                                       <br s="34" e="36">
-                                               <cond s="85" e="85" id="100" count="9" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="37" e="49" id="101" count="9" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="37" e="49">
-                                       <br s="47" e="49">
-                                               <cond s="66" e="84" id="102" count="9" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="50" e="57" id="103" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="50" e="57">
-                                       <br s="55" e="57">
-                                               <cond s="66" e="84" id="104" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="58" e="65" id="105" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="58" e="65">
-                                       <exit s="65" e="65" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="66" e="84">
-                                       <goto s="82" e="84">
-                                               <tg s="30" e="36" id="106" count="9"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="85" e="85">
-                                       <exit s="85" e="85" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=64;9=65;18=66;44=67;66=68;79=66;85=71;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;clinit&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' static' access="8" clinit="true" length="81">
-                               <bl s="0" e="8">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="8" id="108" count="1"/>
-                                       <br s="6" e="8">
-                                               <cond s="13" e="13" id="109" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="9" e="12" id="110" count="1" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="9" e="12">
-                                       <goto s="10" e="12">
-                                               <tg s="14" e="80" id="111" count="1"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="13" e="13">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="14" e="80">
-                                       <fall s="14" e="80" id="112" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="80" e="80" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=7;17=19;55=20;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="RouteSummary" supername="net/jaekl/frank/octranspo/StopInfo" checksum="4047748583" source="RouteSummary.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="13">
-                               <bl s="0" e="12">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="12" id="113" count="4"/>
-                                       <exit s="12" e="12" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=9;12=10;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;clinit&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' static' access="8" clinit="true" length="58">
-                               <bl s="0" e="57">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="57" id="114" count="1"/>
-                                       <exit s="57" e="57" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=5;31=6;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="Server" supername="java/lang/Object" checksum="2104221183" source="Server.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/InputStream;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="130">
-                               <bl s="0" e="9">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="9" id="115" count="3"/>
-                                       <br s="7" e="9">
-                                               <cond s="23" e="28" id="116" count="3" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="10" e="14" id="117" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="10" e="14">
-                                       <br s="12" e="14">
-                                               <cond s="23" e="28" id="118" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="15" e="22" id="119" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="15" e="22">
-                                       <exit s="22" e="22" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="23" e="28">
-                                       <br s="26" e="28">
-                                               <cond s="42" e="129" id="120" count="3" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="29" e="33" id="121" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="29" e="33">
-                                       <br s="31" e="33">
-                                               <cond s="42" e="129" id="122" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="34" e="41" id="123" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="34" e="41">
-                                       <exit s="41" e="41" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="42" e="129">
-                                       <exit s="129" e="129" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=33;4=34;23=35;42=37;58=38;64=40;75=41;93=42;112=44;129=45;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getRouteSummaryForStop" vmsig="(I)Lnet/jaekl/frank/octranspo/StopInfo;" flags=' public' access="1" length="56">
-                               <bl s="0" e="45">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="45" id="124" count="1"/>
-                                       <exit s="45" e="45" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="46" e="55">
-                                       <catch s="46" e="55" id="125" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="55" e="55" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=51;8=52;29=53;46=55;47=56;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getNextTripsForStop" vmsig="(II)Lnet/jaekl/frank/octranspo/StopInfo;" flags=' public' access="1" length="77">
-                               <bl s="0" e="66">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="66" id="126" count="1"/>
-                                       <exit s="66" e="66" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="67" e="76">
-                                       <catch s="67" e="76" id="127" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="76" e="76" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=64;8=65;29=66;50=67;67=69;68=70;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getNextTripsForStopAllRoutes" vmsig="(I)Lnet/jaekl/frank/octranspo/StopInfo;" flags=' public' access="1" length="56">
-                               <bl s="0" e="45">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="45" id="128" count="1"/>
-                                       <exit s="45" e="45" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="46" e="55">
-                                       <catch s="46" e="55" id="129" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="55" e="55" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=78;8=79;29=80;46=82;47=83;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;clinit&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' static' access="8" clinit="true" length="18">
-                               <bl s="0" e="8">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="8" id="130" count="1"/>
-                                       <br s="6" e="8">
-                                               <cond s="13" e="13" id="131" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="9" e="12" id="132" count="1" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="9" e="12">
-                                       <goto s="10" e="12">
-                                               <tg s="14" e="17" id="133" count="1"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="13" e="13">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="14" e="17">
-                                       <fall s="14" e="17" id="134" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="17" e="17" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=16;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="StopInfo" supername="net/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult" checksum="2473993047" source="StopInfo.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;[[Ljava/lang/Object;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="36">
-                               <bl s="0" e="35">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="35" id="135" count="5"/>
-                                       <exit s="35" e="35" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=26;7=28;12=29;18=30;24=31;35=32;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getStopNo" vmsig="()I" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="136" count="5"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=37;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getDescr" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="137" count="5"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=38;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getError" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="138" count="3"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=39;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getNumRoutes" vmsig="()I" flags=' public' access="1" length="8">
-                               <bl s="0" e="7">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="7" id="139" count="7"/>
-                                       <exit s="7" e="7" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=40;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getRoute" vmsig="(I)Lnet/jaekl/frank/octranspo/Route;" flags=' public' access="1" length="12">
-                               <bl s="0" e="11">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="11" id="140" count="6"/>
-                                       <exit s="11" e="11" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=41;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="endContents" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="87">
-                               <bl s="0" e="5">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="5" id="141" count="11"/>
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-                                               <cond s="6" e="10" id="143" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="6" e="10">
-                                       <br s="8" e="10">
-                                               <cond s="19" e="28" id="144" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="11" e="18" id="145" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="11" e="18">
-                                       <exit s="18" e="18" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="19" e="28">
-                                       <br s="26" e="28">
-                                               <cond s="41" e="50" id="146" count="8" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="29" e="40" id="147" count="3" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="29" e="40">
-                                       <goto s="38" e="40">
-                                               <tg s="86" e="86" id="148" count="3"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="41" e="50">
-                                       <br s="48" e="50">
-                                               <cond s="61" e="69" id="149" count="2" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="51" e="60" id="150" count="6" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="51" e="60">
-                                       <br s="58" e="60">
-                                               <cond s="70" e="79" id="151" count="5" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="61" e="69" id="152" count="1" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="61" e="69">
-                                       <goto s="67" e="69">
-                                               <tg s="86" e="86" id="153" count="3"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="70" e="79">
-                                       <br s="77" e="79">
-                                               <cond s="86" e="86" id="154" count="2" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="80" e="85" id="155" count="3" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="80" e="85">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="86" e="86">
-                                       <fall s="86" e="86" id="156" count="3"/>
-                                       <exit s="86" e="86" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=49;19=51;29=52;41=54;61=55;70=57;80=58;86=60;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="endExternal" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="87">
-                               <bl s="0" e="9">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="9" id="157" count="5"/>
-                                       <br s="7" e="9">
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-                                               <cond s="10" e="30" id="159" count="5" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="10" e="30">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="31" e="37">
-                                       <fall s="31" e="37" id="167" count="5"/>
-                                       <br s="35" e="37">
-                                               <cond s="86" e="86" id="160" count="5" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="38" e="50" id="161" count="5" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="38" e="50">
-                                       <br s="48" e="50">
-                                               <cond s="67" e="85" id="162" count="5" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="51" e="58" id="163" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="51" e="58">
-                                       <br s="56" e="58">
-                                               <cond s="67" e="85" id="164" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="59" e="66" id="165" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="59" e="66">
-                                       <exit s="66" e="66" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="67" e="85">
-                                       <goto s="83" e="85">
-                                               <tg s="31" e="37" id="166" count="5"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="86" e="86">
-                                       <exit s="86" e="86" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=65;10=66;19=67;45=68;67=69;80=67;86=72;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;clinit&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' static' access="8" clinit="true" length="48">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="8" id="168" count="1"/>
-                                       <br s="6" e="8">
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-                                               <cond s="9" e="12" id="170" count="1" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="9" e="12">
-                                       <goto s="10" e="12">
-                                               <tg s="14" e="47" id="171" count="1"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="13" e="13">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="14" e="47">
-                                       <fall s="14" e="47" id="172" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="47" e="47" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=8;17=11;22=12;27=13;32=14;37=15;42=16;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="Trip" supername="net/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult" checksum="1733828479" source="Trip.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="90">
-                               <bl s="0" e="89">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="89" id="173" count="13"/>
-                                       <exit s="89" e="89" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=50;12=51;18=52;29=53;34=54;39=55;44=56;50=57;55=58;60=59;65=61;78=62;89=63;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Lnet/jaekl/frank/octranspo/Trip;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="93">
-                               <bl s="0" e="92">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="92" id="174" count="8"/>
-                                       <exit s="92" e="92" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=66;12=67;20=68;28=69;36=70;44=71;52=72;60=73;68=74;76=75;84=76;92=77;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getDest" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="175" count="8"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=79;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getStart" vmsig="()Ljava/util/Date;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="176" count="4"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=80;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getAdjTime" vmsig="()I" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="177" count="12"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=81;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getAdjAge" vmsig="()D" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="178" count="12"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="dreturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=82;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="isLastTrip" vmsig="()Z" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="179" count="4"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=83;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getBusType" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="180" count="4"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=84;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getSpeed" vmsig="()D" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="181" count="4"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="dreturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=85;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getLongitude" vmsig="()D" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="182" count="8"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="dreturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=86;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getLatitude" vmsig="()D" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="183" count="8"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="dreturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=87;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getETA" vmsig="()Ljava/util/Date;" flags=' public' access="1" length="24">
-                               <bl s="0" e="23">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="23" id="184" count="4"/>
-                                       <exit s="23" e="23" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=90;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getGPSTime" vmsig="()Ljava/util/Date;" flags=' public' access="1" length="25">
-                               <bl s="0" e="24">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="24" id="185" count="4"/>
-                                       <exit s="24" e="24" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=93;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="endContents" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="200">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="8" id="186" count="81"/>
-                                       <br s="6" e="8">
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-                                               <cond s="9" e="17" id="188" count="9" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="9" e="17">
-                                       <goto s="15" e="17">
-                                               <tg s="184" e="186" id="189" count="9"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="18" e="26">
-                                       <br s="24" e="26">
-                                               <cond s="43" e="51" id="190" count="63" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="27" e="42" id="191" count="9" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="27" e="42">
-                                       <goto s="40" e="42">
-                                               <tg s="184" e="186" id="192" count="9"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="43" e="51">
-                                       <br s="49" e="51">
-                                               <cond s="64" e="72" id="193" count="54" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="52" e="63" id="194" count="9" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="52" e="63">
-                                       <goto s="61" e="63">
-                                               <tg s="184" e="186" id="195" count="9"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="64" e="72">
-                                       <br s="70" e="72">
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-                                               <cond s="73" e="84" id="197" count="9" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="73" e="84">
-                                       <goto s="82" e="84">
-                                               <tg s="184" e="186" id="198" count="9"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="85" e="93">
-                                       <br s="91" e="93">
-                                               <cond s="106" e="114" id="199" count="36" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="94" e="105" id="200" count="9" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="94" e="105">
-                                       <goto s="103" e="105">
-                                               <tg s="184" e="186" id="201" count="9"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="106" e="114">
-                                       <br s="112" e="114">
-                                               <cond s="124" e="132" id="202" count="27" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="115" e="123" id="203" count="9" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="115" e="123">
-                                       <goto s="121" e="123">
-                                               <tg s="184" e="186" id="204" count="9"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="124" e="132">
-                                       <br s="130" e="132">
-                                               <cond s="145" e="153" id="205" count="18" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="133" e="144" id="206" count="9" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="133" e="144">
-                                       <goto s="142" e="144">
-                                               <tg s="184" e="186" id="207" count="9"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="145" e="153">
-                                       <br s="151" e="153">
-                                               <cond s="166" e="174" id="208" count="9" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="154" e="165" id="209" count="9" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="154" e="165">
-                                       <goto s="163" e="165">
-                                               <tg s="184" e="186" id="210" count="9"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="166" e="174">
-                                       <br s="172" e="174">
-                                               <cond s="184" e="186" id="211" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="175" e="183" id="212" count="9" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="175" e="183">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="184" e="186">
-                                       <fall s="184" e="186" id="215" count="9"/>
-                                       <goto s="184" e="186">
-                                               <tg s="199" e="199" id="213" count="81"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="187" e="198">
-                                       <catch s="187" e="198" id="214" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="198" e="198" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="199" e="199">
-                                       <exit s="199" e="199" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=102;9=103;18=105;27=106;43=108;52=109;64=111;73=112;85=114;94=115;106=117;115=118;124=120;133=121;145=123;154=124;166=126;175=127;184=131;187=129;189=130;199=132;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="endExternal" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="1">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="0" id="216" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="0" e="0" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=138;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;clinit&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' static' access="8" clinit="true" length="64">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="63" id="217" count="1"/>
-                                       <exit s="63" e="63" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=25;56=34;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-       </package>
-       <package name="net.jaekl.qd">
-               <class name="QDBundleFactory" supername="java/lang/Object" checksum="829198806" source="QDBundleFactory.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' private' access="2" cons="true" length="5">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="218" count="1"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=20;4=22;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getInst" vmsig="()Lnet/jaekl/qd/QDBundleFactory;" flags=' public static' access="9" length="48">
-                               <bl s="0" e="8">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="8" id="219" count="5"/>
-                                       <br s="6" e="8">
-                                               <cond s="46" e="47" id="220" count="4" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="9" e="21" id="221" count="1" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="9" e="21">
-                                       <br s="19" e="21">
-                                               <cond s="32" e="40" id="222" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="22" e="31" id="223" count="1" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="22" e="31">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="32" e="40">
-                                       <fall s="32" e="40" id="226" count="1"/>
-                                       <goto s="38" e="40">
-                                               <tg s="46" e="47" id="224" count="1"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="41" e="45">
-                                       <catch s="41" e="45" id="225" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="45" e="45" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="46" e="47">
-                                       <exit s="47" e="47" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=25;4=26;9=27;15=28;22=29;32=31;36=32;46=34;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getBundle" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Locale;)Ljava/util/ResourceBundle;" flags=' public' access="1" length="6">
-                               <bl s="0" e="5">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="5" id="227" count="3"/>
-                                       <exit s="5" e="5" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=38;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="QDException" supername="java/lang/Exception" checksum="3524936329" source="QDException.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="228" count="4"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=8;4=9;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="6">
-                               <bl s="0" e="5">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="5" id="229" count="1"/>
-                                       <exit s="5" e="5" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=12;5=13;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-       </package>
-       <package name="net.jaekl.qd.http">
-               <class name="RequestBroker" supername="java/lang/Object" checksum="1232047242" source="RequestBroker.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" signature="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList&lt;Lorg/apache/http/NameValuePair;&gt;;)V" length="35">
-                               <bl s="0" e="34">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="34" id="230" count="9"/>
-                                       <exit s="34" e="34" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=40;4=33;10=34;17=41;22=42;34=43;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="doSubmit" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList;)Ljava/io/InputStream;" flags='' access="0" signature="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList&lt;Lorg/apache/http/NameValuePair;&gt;;)Ljava/io/InputStream;" length="202">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="146" id="231" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="144" e="146">
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-                                               <cond s="147" e="158" id="233" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="147" e="158">
-                                       <exit s="158" e="158" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="159" e="161">
-                                       <goto s="159" e="161">
-                                               <tg s="200" e="201" id="234" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="162" e="169">
-                                       <catch s="162" e="169" id="237" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="167" e="169">
-                                               <cond s="178" e="187" id="235" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="170" e="177" id="236" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="170" e="177">
-                                       <exit s="177" e="177" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="178" e="187">
-                                       <exit s="187" e="187" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="188" e="199">
-                                       <catch s="188" e="199" id="238" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="199" e="199" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="200" e="201">
-                                       <exit s="201" e="201" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=49;12=50;18=53;23=54;33=55;43=56;48=57;59=58;66=59;106=60;121=61;132=62;141=64;147=65;156=66;159=77;162=69;164=72;178=73;188=75;190=76;200=79;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="submit" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList;)Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" signature="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList&lt;Lorg/apache/http/NameValuePair;&gt;;)Ljava/lang/String;" length="107">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="43" id="239" count="1"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="44" e="49">
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-                                               <cond s="50" e="71" id="241" count="28" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="50" e="71">
-                                       <goto s="69" e="71">
-                                               <tg s="44" e="49" id="242" count="28"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="72" e="79">
-                                       <goto s="77" e="79">
-                                               <tg s="102" e="106" id="243" count="1"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="80" e="91">
-                                       <catch s="80" e="91" id="244" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="91" e="91" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="92" e="101">
-                                       <catch s="92" e="101" id="245" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="101" e="101" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="102" e="106">
-                                       <exit s="106" e="106" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=84;8=85;11=88;19=89;37=90;44=91;50=92;62=93;72=100;77=101;80=96;82=97;92=100;102=103;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="submitAndParse" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList;Ljava/lang/Class;)Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;" flags=' public' access="1" signature="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList&lt;Lorg/apache/http/NameValuePair;&gt;;Ljava/lang/Class&lt;+Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;&gt;;)Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;" length="9">
-                               <bl s="0" e="8">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="8" id="247" count="5"/>
-                                       <exit s="8" e="8" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=111;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="submitAndParse" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;" flags=' public' access="1" signature="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList&lt;Lorg/apache/http/NameValuePair;&gt;;Ljava/lang/Class&lt;+Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;&gt;;Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;" length="137">
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-                                       <br s="9" e="11">
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-                                               <cond s="12" e="23" id="250" count="4" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="12" e="23">
-                                       <goto s="21" e="23">
-                                               <tg s="55" e="111" id="251" count="4"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="24" e="54">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="55" e="111">
-                                       <fall s="55" e="111" id="255" count="0"/>
-                                       <goto s="109" e="111">
-                                               <tg s="134" e="136" id="252" count="4"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="112" e="123">
-                                       <catch s="112" e="123" id="253" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="123" e="123" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="124" e="133">
-                                       <catch s="124" e="133" id="254" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="133" e="133" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="134" e="136">
-                                       <exit s="136" e="136" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=120;3=121;6=124;12=125;24=128;55=130;63=131;68=132;79=133;88=134;104=147;109=148;112=136;114=144;124=147;134=150;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;clinit&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' static' access="8" clinit="true" length="18">
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-                                               <cond s="9" e="12" id="258" count="1" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="9" e="12">
-                                       <goto s="10" e="12">
-                                               <tg s="14" e="17" id="259" count="1"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="13" e="13">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="14" e="17">
-                                       <fall s="14" e="17" id="260" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="17" e="17" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=31;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-       </package>
-       <package name="net.jaekl.qd.util">
-               <class name="ExceptionUtils" supername="java/lang/Object" checksum="3353308664" source="ExceptionUtils.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="5">
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-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=8;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="tryClose" vmsig="(Ljava/io/Closeable;)V" flags=' public static' access="9" length="25">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="262" count="8"/>
-                                       <br s="2" e="4">
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-                                               <cond s="5" e="10" id="264" count="7" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="5" e="10">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="11" e="13">
-                                       <fall s="11" e="13" id="267" count="6"/>
-                                       <goto s="11" e="13">
-                                               <tg s="24" e="24" id="265" count="7"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="14" e="23">
-                                       <catch s="14" e="23" id="266" count="1"/>
-                                       <exit s="23" e="23" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="24" e="24">
-                                       <exit s="24" e="24" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=11;5=12;11=17;14=15;15=16;24=18;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="ParseUtils" supername="java/lang/Object" checksum="624394704" source="ParseUtils.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="5">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="268" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=3;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="parseDouble" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;)D" flags=' public static' access="9" length="24">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="269" count="44"/>
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-                                               <cond s="5" e="13" id="271" count="43" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
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-                                       <br s="11" e="13">
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-                                               <cond s="14" e="15" id="273" count="16" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="14" e="15">
-                                       <exit s="15" e="15" opcode="dreturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="16" e="20">
-                                       <exit s="20" e="20" opcode="dreturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="21" e="23">
-                                       <catch s="21" e="23" id="274" count="1"/>
-                                       <exit s="23" e="23" opcode="dreturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=7;14=8;16=11;21=13;22=14;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="parseInt" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;)I" flags=' public static' access="9" length="24">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="275" count="17"/>
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-                                               <cond s="5" e="13" id="277" count="16" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="5" e="13">
-                                       <br s="11" e="13">
-                                               <cond s="16" e="20" id="278" count="15" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="14" e="15" id="279" count="1" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="14" e="15">
-                                       <exit s="15" e="15" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="16" e="20">
-                                       <exit s="20" e="20" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="21" e="23">
-                                       <catch s="21" e="23" id="280" count="2"/>
-                                       <exit s="23" e="23" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=19;14=20;16=23;21=25;22=26;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="StringUtils" supername="java/lang/Object" checksum="3174979789" source="StringUtils.java" flags=' public'>
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-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=3;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="areEqual" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z" flags=' public static' access="9" length="22">
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-                                               <cond s="5" e="9" id="284" count="3" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
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-                                               <cond s="10" e="13" id="286" count="1" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="10" e="13">
-                                       <goto s="11" e="13">
-                                               <tg s="15" e="15" id="287" count="1"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="14" e="14">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="15" e="15">
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-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="16" e="21">
-                                       <exit s="21" e="21" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=5;5=6;16=8;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-       </package>
-       <package name="net.jaekl.qd.xml">
-               <class name="MismatchedTagsException" supername="net/jaekl/qd/xml/XmlParseException" checksum="3062725623" source="MismatchedTagsException.java" flags=' public'>
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="14" id="289" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="14" e="14" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=14;4=15;9=16;14=17;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getExpected" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="290" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=19;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getActual" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="291" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=20;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="MissingInfoException" supername="net/jaekl/qd/xml/XmlParseException" checksum="2789497018" source="MissingInfoException.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="32">
-                               <bl s="0" e="31">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="31" id="292" count="3"/>
-                                       <exit s="31" e="31" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=16;4=17;9=18;20=19;31=20;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="addMissingAttribute" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="10">
-                               <bl s="0" e="9">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="9" id="293" count="2"/>
-                                       <exit s="9" e="9" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=23;9=24;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="addMissingChild" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="10">
-                               <bl s="0" e="9">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="9" id="294" count="2"/>
-                                       <exit s="9" e="9" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=27;9=28;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getTagName" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="295" count="4"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=30;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getMessage" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="163">
-                               <bl s="0" e="47">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="47" id="296" count="3"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="48" e="56">
-                                       <fall s="48" e="56" id="303" count="3"/>
-                                       <br s="54" e="56">
-                                               <cond s="99" e="106" id="297" count="3" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="57" e="98" id="298" count="2" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="57" e="98">
-                                       <goto s="96" e="98">
-                                               <tg s="48" e="56" id="299" count="2"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="99" e="106">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="107" e="115">
-                                       <fall s="107" e="115" id="304" count="3"/>
-                                       <br s="113" e="115">
-                                               <cond s="158" e="162" id="300" count="3" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="116" e="157" id="301" count="2" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="116" e="157">
-                                       <goto s="155" e="157">
-                                               <tg s="107" e="115" id="302" count="2"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="158" e="162">
-                                       <exit s="162" e="162" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=34;8=36;40=38;67=39;96=40;99=42;126=43;155=44;158=45;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="ParseHandler" supername="java/lang/Object" checksum="3464370400" source="ParseHandler.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="25">
-                               <bl s="0" e="24">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="24" id="305" count="12"/>
-                                       <exit s="24" e="24" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=16;4=17;15=18;24=19;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="characters" vmsig="([CII)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="43">
-                               <bl s="0" e="9">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="9" id="306" count="204"/>
-                                       <br s="7" e="9">
-                                               <cond s="11" e="29" id="307" count="195" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="10" e="10" id="308" count="9" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="10" e="10">
-                                       <exit s="10" e="10" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="11" e="29">
-                                       <goto s="27" e="29">
-                                               <tg s="42" e="42" id="309" count="195"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="30" e="41">
-                                       <catch s="30" e="41" id="310" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="41" e="41" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="42" e="42">
-                                       <exit s="42" e="42" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=24;10=25;11=29;27=33;30=31;32=32;42=34;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="endElement" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="85">
-                               <bl s="0" e="9">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="9" id="311" count="235"/>
-                                       <br s="7" e="9">
-                                               <cond s="11" e="33" id="312" count="216" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="10" e="10" id="313" count="19" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="10" e="10">
-                                       <exit s="10" e="10" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="11" e="33">
-                                       <br s="31" e="33">
-                                               <cond s="69" e="71" id="314" count="185" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="34" e="51" id="315" count="31" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="34" e="51">
-                                       <br s="49" e="51">
-                                               <cond s="53" e="68" id="316" count="20" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="52" e="52" id="317" count="11" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="52" e="52">
-                                       <exit s="52" e="52" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="53" e="68">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="69" e="71">
-                                       <fall s="69" e="71" id="320" count="20"/>
-                                       <goto s="69" e="71">
-                                               <tg s="84" e="84" id="318" count="205"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="72" e="83">
-                                       <catch s="72" e="83" id="319" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="83" e="83" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="84" e="84">
-                                       <exit s="84" e="84" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=40;10=41;11=44;29=45;34=46;42=48;52=49;53=52;69=57;72=55;74=56;84=58;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="startElement" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/xml/sax/Attributes;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="57">
-                               <bl s="0" e="30">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="30" id="321" count="235"/>
-                                       <br s="28" e="30">
-                                               <cond s="41" e="43" id="322" count="215" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="31" e="40" id="323" count="20" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="31" e="40">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="41" e="43">
-                                       <fall s="41" e="43" id="326" count="20"/>
-                                       <goto s="41" e="43">
-                                               <tg s="56" e="56" id="324" count="235"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="44" e="55">
-                                       <catch s="44" e="55" id="325" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="55" e="55" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="56" e="56">
-                                       <exit s="56" e="56" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=64;12=65;24=66;31=67;41=72;44=70;46=71;56=73;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="endDocument" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" length="41">
-                               <bl s="0" e="9">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="9" id="327" count="12"/>
-                                       <br s="7" e="9">
-                                               <cond s="40" e="40" id="328" count="11" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="10" e="39" id="329" count="1" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="10" e="39">
-                                       <exit s="39" e="39" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="40" e="40">
-                                       <exit s="40" e="40" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=77;10=78;24=79;40=81;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="endPrefixMapping" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="1">
-                               <bl s="0" e="0">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="0" id="330" count="48"/>
-                                       <exit s="0" e="0" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=86;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="ignorableWhitespace" vmsig="([CII)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="1">
-                               <bl s="0" e="0">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="0" id="331" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="0" e="0" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=93;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="processingInstruction" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="1">
-                               <bl s="0" e="0">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="0" id="332" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="0" e="0" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=100;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="setDocumentLocator" vmsig="(Lorg/xml/sax/Locator;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="1">
-                               <bl s="0" e="0">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="0" id="333" count="12"/>
-                                       <exit s="0" e="0" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=105;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="skippedEntity" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="1">
-                               <bl s="0" e="0">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="0" id="334" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="0" e="0" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=110;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="startDocument" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" length="1">
-                               <bl s="0" e="0">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="0" id="335" count="12"/>
-                                       <exit s="0" e="0" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=115;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="startPrefixMapping" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="1">
-                               <bl s="0" e="0">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="0" id="336" count="48"/>
-                                       <exit s="0" e="0" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=122;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="ParseResult" supername="java/lang/Object" checksum="3007858202" source="ParseResult.java" flags=' public abstract'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;[[Ljava/lang/Object;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="161">
-                               <bl s="0" e="79">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="79" id="337" count="45"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="80" e="86">
-                                       <fall s="80" e="86" id="344" count="45"/>
-                                       <br s="84" e="86">
-                                               <cond s="110" e="112" id="338" count="45" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="87" e="109" id="339" count="287" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="87" e="109">
-                                       <goto s="107" e="109">
-                                               <tg s="80" e="86" id="340" count="287"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="110" e="112">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="113" e="119">
-                                       <fall s="113" e="119" id="345" count="45"/>
-                                       <br s="117" e="119">
-                                               <cond s="160" e="160" id="341" count="45" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="120" e="159" id="342" count="17" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="120" e="159">
-                                       <goto s="157" e="159">
-                                               <tg s="113" e="119" id="343" count="17"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="160" e="160">
-                                       <exit s="160" e="160" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=32;4=33;15=34;26=35;37=36;42=38;47=39;58=40;69=42;94=43;104=42;110=46;120=47;131=48;142=49;154=46;160=51;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getTagName" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="346" count="1"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=56;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="haveSeenMyTag" vmsig="()Z" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="347" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=57;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="characters" vmsig="([CII)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="12">
-                               <bl s="0" e="11">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="11" id="348" count="195"/>
-                                       <exit s="11" e="11" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=61;11=62;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="collectParsedChildren" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/Class;)[Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;" flags=' protected' access="4" signature="(Ljava/lang/Class&lt;+Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;&gt;;)[Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;" length="83">
-                               <bl s="0" e="15">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="15" id="349" count="20"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="16" e="24">
-                                       <fall s="16" e="24" id="355" count="20"/>
-                                       <br s="22" e="24">
-                                               <cond s="64" e="82" id="350" count="20" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="25" e="47" id="351" count="20" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="25" e="47">
-                                       <br s="45" e="47">
-                                               <cond s="61" e="63" id="352" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="48" e="60" id="353" count="20" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="48" e="60">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="61" e="63">
-                                       <fall s="61" e="63" id="356" count="20"/>
-                                       <goto s="61" e="63">
-                                               <tg s="16" e="24" id="354" count="20"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="64" e="82">
-                                       <exit s="82" e="82" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=65;8=66;16=67;25=68;36=69;48=70;55=71;61=73;64=75;73=76;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="endElement" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z" flags=' public' access="1" length="114">
-                               <bl s="0" e="5">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="5" id="357" count="216"/>
-                                       <br s="3" e="5">
-                                               <cond s="19" e="35" id="358" count="216" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="6" e="10" id="359" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="6" e="10">
-                                       <br s="8" e="10">
-                                               <cond s="19" e="35" id="360" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="11" e="18" id="361" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="11" e="18">
-                                       <exit s="18" e="18" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
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-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="36" e="37">
-                                       <exit s="37" e="37" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="38" e="48">
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-                                               <cond s="49" e="54" id="365" count="31" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="49" e="54">
-                                       <exit s="54" e="54" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="55" e="59">
-                                       <br s="57" e="59">
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-                                               <cond s="60" e="61" id="367" count="36" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="60" e="61">
-                                       <exit s="61" e="61" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
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-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="83" e="93">
-                                       <exit s="93" e="93" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="94" e="113">
-                                       <exit s="113" e="113" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
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-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
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-                                               <cond s="11" e="18" id="374" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="11" e="18">
-                                       <exit s="18" e="18" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="19" e="33">
-                                       <br s="31" e="33">
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-                                               <cond s="34" e="44" id="376" count="47" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="34" e="44">
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-                                               <cond s="45" e="51" id="378" count="28" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="45" e="51">
-                                       <exit s="51" e="51" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="52" e="53">
-                                       <exit s="53" e="53" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="54" e="64">
-                                       <br s="62" e="64">
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-                                               <cond s="65" e="75" id="380" count="148" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="65" e="75">
-                                       <exit s="75" e="75" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="76" e="94">
-                                       <br s="92" e="94">
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-                                               <cond s="95" e="125" id="382" count="20" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="95" e="125">
-                                       <exit s="125" e="125" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="126" e="137">
-                                       <catch s="126" e="137" id="383" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="137" e="137" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="138" e="149">
-                                       <catch s="138" e="149" id="384" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="149" e="149" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="150" e="151">
-                                       <exit s="151" e="151" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=116;19=118;27=120;34=123;45=124;50=125;52=132;54=136;65=137;74=138;76=141;89=142;95=144;105=145;115=146;126=148;128=149;138=151;140=152;150=157;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="validate" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" length="1">
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-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=164;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;clinit&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' static' access="8" clinit="true" length="18">
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-                                               <cond s="9" e="12" id="388" count="1" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="9" e="12">
-                                       <goto s="10" e="12">
-                                               <tg s="14" e="17" id="389" count="1"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="13" e="13">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="14" e="17">
-                                       <fall s="14" e="17" id="390" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="17" e="17" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=19;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="XmlParseException" supername="net/jaekl/qd/QDException" checksum="3943647990" source="XmlParseException.java" flags=' public'>
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-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=9;4=11;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="6">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="5" id="392" count="0"/>
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-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=14;5=15;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-       </package>
diff --git a/template.xml b/template.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 04f10a7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1898 +0,0 @@
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-        xmlns='http://java.sun.com/jcov/namespace'
-        xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'
-        xsi:schemaLocation='http://java.sun.com/jcov/namespace coverage.xsd'>
-       <head>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.args' val=''/>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.mode' val='BRANCH'/>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.internal' val='include'/>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.include' val=''/>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.exclude' val=''/>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.caller_include' val='.*'/>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.caller_exclude' val=''/>
-               <property name='coverage.created.date' val='2014-12-12'/>
-               <property name='coverage.created.time' val='04:31:01'/>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.fullversion' val='2.0os.beta-1 built: 09 November 2014'/>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.name' val='jcov'/>
-               <property name='coverage.generator.version' val='2.0'/>
-               <property name='coverage.spec.version' val='1.3'/>
-               <property name='java.runtime.version' val='1.7.0_65-b32'/>
-               <property name='java.version' val='1.7.0_65'/>
-               <property name='os.arch' val='amd64'/>
-               <property name='os.name' val='Linux'/>
-               <property name='os.version' val='3.2.0-4-amd64'/>
-               <property name='user.name' val='chris'/>
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-               <property name='id.count' val='393'/>
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-               <class name="FrankBundle" supername="java/lang/Object" checksum="3968860020" source="FrankBundle.java" flags=' public'>
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-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="16" e="37">
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-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="38" e="46">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="47" e="60">
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-                                               <tg s="66" e="67" id="5" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="61" e="65">
-                                       <catch s="61" e="65" id="6" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="65" e="65" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="66" e="67">
-                                       <exit s="67" e="67" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=31;11=32;16=33;22=34;33=35;38=36;47=38;56=39;66=41;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/util/Locale;)V" flags=' private' access="2" cons="true" length="18">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="17" id="8" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="17" e="17" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=44;4=45;17=46;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="get" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="50">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="7" id="9" count="0"/>
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-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="8" e="16">
-                                       <exit s="16" e="16" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="17" e="19">
-                                       <goto s="17" e="19">
-                                               <tg s="25" e="49" id="12" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="20" e="24">
-                                       <catch s="20" e="24" id="13" count="0"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="25" e="49">
-                                       <fall s="25" e="49" id="14" count="0"/>
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-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=50;8=51;17=58;20=54;21=56;25=59;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;clinit&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' static' access="8" clinit="true" length="11">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="10" id="15" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="10" e="10" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=26;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="FrankException" supername="java/lang/Exception" checksum="1281835878" source="FrankException.java" flags=' public'>
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="5" id="16" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="5" e="5" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=9;5=10;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
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-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/util/Locale;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="46">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="45" id="17" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="45" e="45" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=20;4=21;9=22;17=23;31=24;45=25;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="trans" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;" flags='' access="0" length="9">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="8" id="18" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="8" e="8" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=28;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="mapUrl" vmsig="(DD)Ljava/lang/String;" flags='' access="0" length="34">
-                               <bl s="0" e="33">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="33" id="19" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="33" e="33" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=32;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="writeStyle" vmsig="(Ljava/io/PrintWriter;)V" flags='' access="0" length="43">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="42" id="20" count="0"/>
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-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=36;6=37;12=38;18=39;24=40;30=41;36=42;42=43;</lt>
-                       </meth>
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="234" id="21" count="0"/>
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-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=47;8=48;16=50;22=51;28=52;56=53;62=54;68=55;74=56;113=57;141=58;147=59;153=60;159=61;165=62;171=63;177=64;210=65;216=66;222=67;228=68;234=70;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="writeHeader" vmsig="(Ljava/io/PrintWriter;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags='' access="0" length="52">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="51" id="22" count="0"/>
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-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=73;6=74;12=75;40=76;45=77;51=78;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="writePage" vmsig="(Ljava/io/PrintWriter;Lnet/jaekl/frank/octranspo/StopInfo;)V" flags='' access="0" length="698">
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-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="233" e="243">
-                               </bl>
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-                                               <cond s="254" e="274" id="27" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
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-                                               <cond s="275" e="278" id="29" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="275" e="278">
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-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="279" e="279">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="280" e="286">
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-                                               <cond s="287" e="295" id="32" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="287" e="295">
-                                       <goto s="293" e="295">
-                                               <tg s="302" e="456" id="33" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="296" e="301">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="302" e="456">
-                                       <fall s="302" e="456" id="44" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="454" e="456">
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-                                               <cond s="457" e="463" id="35" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="457" e="463">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="464" e="486">
-                                       <fall s="464" e="486" id="45" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="484" e="486">
-                                               <cond s="523" e="583" id="36" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="487" e="522" id="37" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="487" e="522">
-                                       <goto s="520" e="522">
-                                               <tg s="584" e="595" id="38" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="523" e="583">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="584" e="595">
-                                       <fall s="584" e="595" id="46" count="0"/>
-                                       <goto s="593" e="595">
-                                               <tg s="244" e="253" id="39" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="596" e="601">
-                                       <goto s="599" e="601">
-                                               <tg s="224" e="232" id="40" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="602" e="697">
-                                       <exit s="697" e="697" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=82;10=83;13=85;49=86;57=88;91=90;97=91;103=92;132=93;221=105;233=106;241=107;254=108;263=109;282=110;287=112;296=114;302=116;334=117;366=118;405=120;452=121;457=122;464=124;474=125;477=127;487=128;523=131;584=134;590=107;596=105;602=138;608=140;616=141;644=142;673=144;680=145;691=146;697=147;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="ViewSchedule" supername="javax/servlet/http/HttpServlet" checksum="1813169406" source="ViewSchedule.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="5">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="47" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=19;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getParamInt" vmsig="(Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest;Ljava/lang/String;)I" flags='' access="0" length="16">
-                               <bl s="0" e="11">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="11" id="48" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="11" e="11" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="12" e="15">
-                                       <catch s="12" e="15" id="49" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="15" e="15" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=28;7=30;12=32;14=34;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getParamString" vmsig="(Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;" flags='' access="0" length="26">
-                               <bl s="0" e="12">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="12" id="50" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="10" e="12">
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-                                               <cond s="13" e="21" id="52" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="13" e="21">
-                                       <br s="19" e="21">
-                                               <cond s="24" e="25" id="53" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="22" e="23" id="54" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="22" e="23">
-                                       <exit s="23" e="23" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="24" e="25">
-                                       <exit s="25" e="25" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=39;8=40;22=42;24=44;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getLocale" vmsig="(Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest;)Ljava/util/Locale;" flags='' access="0" length="35">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="14" id="55" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="12" e="14">
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-                                               <cond s="15" e="23" id="57" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="15" e="23">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="24" e="28">
-                                       <fall s="24" e="28" id="60" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="26" e="28">
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-                                               <cond s="29" e="32" id="59" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="29" e="32">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="33" e="34">
-                                       <fall s="33" e="34" id="61" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="34" e="34" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=48;2=49;10=50;15=51;24=53;29=54;33=56;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="doGet" vmsig="(Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest;Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletResponse;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="148">
-                               <bl s="0" e="72">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="72" id="62" count="0"/>
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-                                               <cond s="73" e="84" id="64" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="73" e="84">
-                                       <goto s="82" e="84">
-                                               <tg s="96" e="122" id="65" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="85" e="95">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="96" e="122">
-                                       <fall s="96" e="122" id="70" count="0"/>
-                                       <goto s="120" e="122">
-                                               <tg s="133" e="135" id="66" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="123" e="132">
-                                       <catch s="123" e="132" id="68" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="132" e="132" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="133" e="135">
-                                       <goto s="133" e="135">
-                                               <tg s="147" e="147" id="67" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="136" e="146">
-                                       <catch s="136" e="146" id="69" count="0"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="147" e="147">
-                                       <fall s="147" e="147" id="71" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="147" e="147" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
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-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="writeErrorPage" vmsig="(Ljava/io/PrintWriter;Ljava/lang/Throwable;Ljava/util/Locale;)V" flags='' access="0" length="156">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="155" id="72" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="155" e="155" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=96;9=97;20=98;26=100;75=104;124=116;130=117;137=118;143=120;149=121;155=122;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-       </package>
-       <package name="net.jaekl.frank.octranspo">
-               <class name="NextTrips" supername="net/jaekl/frank/octranspo/StopInfo" checksum="2503522746" source="NextTrips.java" flags=' public'>
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="12" id="73" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="12" e="12" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=9;12=10;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;clinit&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' static' access="8" clinit="true" length="58">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="57" id="74" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="57" e="57" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=5;31=6;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="Route" supername="net/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult" checksum="3494611020" source="Route.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="46">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="45" id="75" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="45" e="45" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=29;12=30;17=31;22=32;28=33;34=34;45=35;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getRouteNo" vmsig="()I" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="76" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=37;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getDirectionID" vmsig="()I" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="77" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=38;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getDirection" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="78" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=39;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getRouteHeading" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="79" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=40;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getNumTrips" vmsig="()I" flags=' public' access="1" length="8">
-                               <bl s="0" e="7">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="7" id="80" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="7" e="7" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=41;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getTrip" vmsig="(I)Lnet/jaekl/frank/octranspo/Trip;" flags=' public' access="1" length="19">
-                               <bl s="0" e="18">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="18" id="81" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="18" e="18" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=42;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="endContents" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="85">
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-                                               <cond s="9" e="20" id="84" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="9" e="20">
-                                       <goto s="18" e="20">
-                                               <tg s="84" e="84" id="85" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="21" e="29">
-                                       <br s="27" e="29">
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-                                               <cond s="30" e="41" id="87" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="30" e="41">
-                                       <goto s="39" e="41">
-                                               <tg s="84" e="84" id="88" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="42" e="50">
-                                       <br s="48" e="50">
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-                                               <cond s="51" e="59" id="90" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="51" e="59">
-                                       <goto s="57" e="59">
-                                               <tg s="84" e="84" id="91" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="60" e="68">
-                                       <br s="66" e="68">
-                                               <cond s="78" e="83" id="92" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="69" e="77" id="93" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="69" e="77">
-                                       <br s="75" e="77">
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-                                               <cond s="78" e="83" id="95" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="78" e="83">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="84" e="84">
-                                       <fall s="84" e="84" id="96" count="0"/>
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-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=47;9=48;21=50;30=51;42=53;51=54;60=56;78=57;84=59;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="endExternal" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="86">
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-                                               <cond s="9" e="29" id="99" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="9" e="29">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="30" e="36">
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-                                               <cond s="37" e="49" id="101" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="37" e="49">
-                                       <br s="47" e="49">
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-                                               <cond s="50" e="57" id="103" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="50" e="57">
-                                       <br s="55" e="57">
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-                                               <cond s="58" e="65" id="105" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="58" e="65">
-                                       <exit s="65" e="65" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="66" e="84">
-                                       <goto s="82" e="84">
-                                               <tg s="30" e="36" id="106" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="85" e="85">
-                                       <exit s="85" e="85" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=64;9=65;18=66;44=67;66=68;79=66;85=71;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;clinit&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' static' access="8" clinit="true" length="81">
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-                                       <br s="6" e="8">
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-                                               <cond s="9" e="12" id="110" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="9" e="12">
-                                       <goto s="10" e="12">
-                                               <tg s="14" e="80" id="111" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="13" e="13">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="14" e="80">
-                                       <fall s="14" e="80" id="112" count="0"/>
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-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=7;17=19;55=20;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="RouteSummary" supername="net/jaekl/frank/octranspo/StopInfo" checksum="4047748583" source="RouteSummary.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="13">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="12" id="113" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="12" e="12" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=9;12=10;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;clinit&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' static' access="8" clinit="true" length="58">
-                               <bl s="0" e="57">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="57" id="114" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="57" e="57" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=5;31=6;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="Server" supername="java/lang/Object" checksum="2104221183" source="Server.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/InputStream;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="130">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="9" id="115" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="7" e="9">
-                                               <cond s="23" e="28" id="116" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="10" e="14" id="117" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="10" e="14">
-                                       <br s="12" e="14">
-                                               <cond s="23" e="28" id="118" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="15" e="22" id="119" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="15" e="22">
-                                       <exit s="22" e="22" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="23" e="28">
-                                       <br s="26" e="28">
-                                               <cond s="42" e="129" id="120" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="29" e="33" id="121" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="29" e="33">
-                                       <br s="31" e="33">
-                                               <cond s="42" e="129" id="122" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="34" e="41" id="123" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="34" e="41">
-                                       <exit s="41" e="41" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="42" e="129">
-                                       <exit s="129" e="129" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=33;4=34;23=35;42=37;58=38;64=40;75=41;93=42;112=44;129=45;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getRouteSummaryForStop" vmsig="(I)Lnet/jaekl/frank/octranspo/StopInfo;" flags=' public' access="1" length="56">
-                               <bl s="0" e="45">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="45" id="124" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="45" e="45" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="46" e="55">
-                                       <catch s="46" e="55" id="125" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="55" e="55" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=51;8=52;29=53;46=55;47=56;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getNextTripsForStop" vmsig="(II)Lnet/jaekl/frank/octranspo/StopInfo;" flags=' public' access="1" length="77">
-                               <bl s="0" e="66">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="66" id="126" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="66" e="66" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="67" e="76">
-                                       <catch s="67" e="76" id="127" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="76" e="76" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=64;8=65;29=66;50=67;67=69;68=70;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getNextTripsForStopAllRoutes" vmsig="(I)Lnet/jaekl/frank/octranspo/StopInfo;" flags=' public' access="1" length="56">
-                               <bl s="0" e="45">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="45" id="128" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="45" e="45" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="46" e="55">
-                                       <catch s="46" e="55" id="129" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="55" e="55" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=78;8=79;29=80;46=82;47=83;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;clinit&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' static' access="8" clinit="true" length="18">
-                               <bl s="0" e="8">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="8" id="130" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="6" e="8">
-                                               <cond s="13" e="13" id="131" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="9" e="12" id="132" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="9" e="12">
-                                       <goto s="10" e="12">
-                                               <tg s="14" e="17" id="133" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="13" e="13">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="14" e="17">
-                                       <fall s="14" e="17" id="134" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="17" e="17" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=16;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="StopInfo" supername="net/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult" checksum="2473993047" source="StopInfo.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;[[Ljava/lang/Object;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="36">
-                               <bl s="0" e="35">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="35" id="135" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="35" e="35" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=26;7=28;12=29;18=30;24=31;35=32;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getStopNo" vmsig="()I" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="136" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=37;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getDescr" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="137" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=38;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getError" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="138" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=39;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getNumRoutes" vmsig="()I" flags=' public' access="1" length="8">
-                               <bl s="0" e="7">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="7" id="139" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="7" e="7" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=40;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getRoute" vmsig="(I)Lnet/jaekl/frank/octranspo/Route;" flags=' public' access="1" length="12">
-                               <bl s="0" e="11">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="11" id="140" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="11" e="11" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=41;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="endContents" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="87">
-                               <bl s="0" e="5">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="5" id="141" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="3" e="5">
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-                                               <cond s="6" e="10" id="143" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="6" e="10">
-                                       <br s="8" e="10">
-                                               <cond s="19" e="28" id="144" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="11" e="18" id="145" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="11" e="18">
-                                       <exit s="18" e="18" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="19" e="28">
-                                       <br s="26" e="28">
-                                               <cond s="41" e="50" id="146" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="29" e="40" id="147" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="29" e="40">
-                                       <goto s="38" e="40">
-                                               <tg s="86" e="86" id="148" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="41" e="50">
-                                       <br s="48" e="50">
-                                               <cond s="61" e="69" id="149" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="51" e="60" id="150" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="51" e="60">
-                                       <br s="58" e="60">
-                                               <cond s="70" e="79" id="151" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="61" e="69" id="152" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="61" e="69">
-                                       <goto s="67" e="69">
-                                               <tg s="86" e="86" id="153" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="70" e="79">
-                                       <br s="77" e="79">
-                                               <cond s="86" e="86" id="154" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="80" e="85" id="155" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="80" e="85">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="86" e="86">
-                                       <fall s="86" e="86" id="156" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="86" e="86" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=49;19=51;29=52;41=54;61=55;70=57;80=58;86=60;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="endExternal" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="87">
-                               <bl s="0" e="9">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="9" id="157" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="7" e="9">
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-                                               <cond s="10" e="30" id="159" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="10" e="30">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="31" e="37">
-                                       <fall s="31" e="37" id="167" count="0"/>
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-                                               <cond s="86" e="86" id="160" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="38" e="50" id="161" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="38" e="50">
-                                       <br s="48" e="50">
-                                               <cond s="67" e="85" id="162" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="51" e="58" id="163" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="51" e="58">
-                                       <br s="56" e="58">
-                                               <cond s="67" e="85" id="164" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="59" e="66" id="165" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="59" e="66">
-                                       <exit s="66" e="66" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="67" e="85">
-                                       <goto s="83" e="85">
-                                               <tg s="31" e="37" id="166" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="86" e="86">
-                                       <exit s="86" e="86" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=65;10=66;19=67;45=68;67=69;80=67;86=72;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;clinit&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' static' access="8" clinit="true" length="48">
-                               <bl s="0" e="8">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="8" id="168" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="6" e="8">
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-                                               <cond s="9" e="12" id="170" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="9" e="12">
-                                       <goto s="10" e="12">
-                                               <tg s="14" e="47" id="171" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="13" e="13">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="14" e="47">
-                                       <fall s="14" e="47" id="172" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="47" e="47" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=8;17=11;22=12;27=13;32=14;37=15;42=16;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="Trip" supername="net/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult" checksum="1733828479" source="Trip.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="90">
-                               <bl s="0" e="89">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="89" id="173" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="89" e="89" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=50;12=51;18=52;29=53;34=54;39=55;44=56;50=57;55=58;60=59;65=61;78=62;89=63;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Lnet/jaekl/frank/octranspo/Trip;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="93">
-                               <bl s="0" e="92">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="92" id="174" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="92" e="92" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=66;12=67;20=68;28=69;36=70;44=71;52=72;60=73;68=74;76=75;84=76;92=77;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getDest" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="175" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=79;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getStart" vmsig="()Ljava/util/Date;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="176" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=80;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getAdjTime" vmsig="()I" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="177" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=81;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getAdjAge" vmsig="()D" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="178" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="dreturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=82;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="isLastTrip" vmsig="()Z" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="179" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=83;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getBusType" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="180" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=84;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getSpeed" vmsig="()D" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="181" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="dreturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=85;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getLongitude" vmsig="()D" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="182" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="dreturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=86;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getLatitude" vmsig="()D" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="183" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="dreturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=87;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getETA" vmsig="()Ljava/util/Date;" flags=' public' access="1" length="24">
-                               <bl s="0" e="23">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="23" id="184" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="23" e="23" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=90;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getGPSTime" vmsig="()Ljava/util/Date;" flags=' public' access="1" length="25">
-                               <bl s="0" e="24">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="24" id="185" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="24" e="24" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=93;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="endContents" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="200">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="8" id="186" count="0"/>
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-                                               <cond s="9" e="17" id="188" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="9" e="17">
-                                       <goto s="15" e="17">
-                                               <tg s="184" e="186" id="189" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="18" e="26">
-                                       <br s="24" e="26">
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-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="27" e="42">
-                                       <goto s="40" e="42">
-                                               <tg s="184" e="186" id="192" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="43" e="51">
-                                       <br s="49" e="51">
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-                                               <cond s="52" e="63" id="194" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="52" e="63">
-                                       <goto s="61" e="63">
-                                               <tg s="184" e="186" id="195" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="64" e="72">
-                                       <br s="70" e="72">
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-                                               <cond s="73" e="84" id="197" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="73" e="84">
-                                       <goto s="82" e="84">
-                                               <tg s="184" e="186" id="198" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="85" e="93">
-                                       <br s="91" e="93">
-                                               <cond s="106" e="114" id="199" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="94" e="105" id="200" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="94" e="105">
-                                       <goto s="103" e="105">
-                                               <tg s="184" e="186" id="201" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="106" e="114">
-                                       <br s="112" e="114">
-                                               <cond s="124" e="132" id="202" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="115" e="123" id="203" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="115" e="123">
-                                       <goto s="121" e="123">
-                                               <tg s="184" e="186" id="204" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="124" e="132">
-                                       <br s="130" e="132">
-                                               <cond s="145" e="153" id="205" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="133" e="144" id="206" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="133" e="144">
-                                       <goto s="142" e="144">
-                                               <tg s="184" e="186" id="207" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="145" e="153">
-                                       <br s="151" e="153">
-                                               <cond s="166" e="174" id="208" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="154" e="165" id="209" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="154" e="165">
-                                       <goto s="163" e="165">
-                                               <tg s="184" e="186" id="210" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="166" e="174">
-                                       <br s="172" e="174">
-                                               <cond s="184" e="186" id="211" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="175" e="183" id="212" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="175" e="183">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="184" e="186">
-                                       <fall s="184" e="186" id="215" count="0"/>
-                                       <goto s="184" e="186">
-                                               <tg s="199" e="199" id="213" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="187" e="198">
-                                       <catch s="187" e="198" id="214" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="198" e="198" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="199" e="199">
-                                       <exit s="199" e="199" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=102;9=103;18=105;27=106;43=108;52=109;64=111;73=112;85=114;94=115;106=117;115=118;124=120;133=121;145=123;154=124;166=126;175=127;184=131;187=129;189=130;199=132;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="endExternal" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="1">
-                               <bl s="0" e="0">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="0" id="216" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="0" e="0" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=138;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;clinit&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' static' access="8" clinit="true" length="64">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="63" id="217" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="63" e="63" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=25;56=34;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-       </package>
-       <package name="net.jaekl.qd">
-               <class name="QDBundleFactory" supername="java/lang/Object" checksum="829198806" source="QDBundleFactory.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' private' access="2" cons="true" length="5">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="218" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=20;4=22;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getInst" vmsig="()Lnet/jaekl/qd/QDBundleFactory;" flags=' public static' access="9" length="48">
-                               <bl s="0" e="8">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="8" id="219" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="6" e="8">
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-                                               <cond s="9" e="21" id="221" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="9" e="21">
-                                       <br s="19" e="21">
-                                               <cond s="32" e="40" id="222" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="22" e="31" id="223" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="22" e="31">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="32" e="40">
-                                       <fall s="32" e="40" id="226" count="0"/>
-                                       <goto s="38" e="40">
-                                               <tg s="46" e="47" id="224" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="41" e="45">
-                                       <catch s="41" e="45" id="225" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="45" e="45" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="46" e="47">
-                                       <exit s="47" e="47" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=25;4=26;9=27;15=28;22=29;32=31;36=32;46=34;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getBundle" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Locale;)Ljava/util/ResourceBundle;" flags=' public' access="1" length="6">
-                               <bl s="0" e="5">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="5" id="227" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="5" e="5" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=38;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="QDException" supername="java/lang/Exception" checksum="3524936329" source="QDException.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="228" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=8;4=9;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="6">
-                               <bl s="0" e="5">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="5" id="229" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="5" e="5" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=12;5=13;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-       </package>
-       <package name="net.jaekl.qd.http">
-               <class name="RequestBroker" supername="java/lang/Object" checksum="1232047242" source="RequestBroker.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" signature="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList&lt;Lorg/apache/http/NameValuePair;&gt;;)V" length="35">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="34" id="230" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="34" e="34" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=40;4=33;10=34;17=41;22=42;34=43;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="doSubmit" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList;)Ljava/io/InputStream;" flags='' access="0" signature="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList&lt;Lorg/apache/http/NameValuePair;&gt;;)Ljava/io/InputStream;" length="202">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="146" id="231" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="144" e="146">
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-                                               <cond s="147" e="158" id="233" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="147" e="158">
-                                       <exit s="158" e="158" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="159" e="161">
-                                       <goto s="159" e="161">
-                                               <tg s="200" e="201" id="234" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="162" e="169">
-                                       <catch s="162" e="169" id="237" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="167" e="169">
-                                               <cond s="178" e="187" id="235" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="170" e="177" id="236" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="170" e="177">
-                                       <exit s="177" e="177" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="178" e="187">
-                                       <exit s="187" e="187" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="188" e="199">
-                                       <catch s="188" e="199" id="238" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="199" e="199" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="200" e="201">
-                                       <exit s="201" e="201" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=49;12=50;18=53;23=54;33=55;43=56;48=57;59=58;66=59;106=60;121=61;132=62;141=64;147=65;156=66;159=77;162=69;164=72;178=73;188=75;190=76;200=79;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="submit" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList;)Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" signature="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList&lt;Lorg/apache/http/NameValuePair;&gt;;)Ljava/lang/String;" length="107">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="43" id="239" count="0"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="44" e="49">
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-                                               <cond s="50" e="71" id="241" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="50" e="71">
-                                       <goto s="69" e="71">
-                                               <tg s="44" e="49" id="242" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="72" e="79">
-                                       <goto s="77" e="79">
-                                               <tg s="102" e="106" id="243" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="80" e="91">
-                                       <catch s="80" e="91" id="244" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="91" e="91" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="92" e="101">
-                                       <catch s="92" e="101" id="245" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="101" e="101" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="102" e="106">
-                                       <exit s="106" e="106" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=84;8=85;11=88;19=89;37=90;44=91;50=92;62=93;72=100;77=101;80=96;82=97;92=100;102=103;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="submitAndParse" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList;Ljava/lang/Class;)Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;" flags=' public' access="1" signature="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList&lt;Lorg/apache/http/NameValuePair;&gt;;Ljava/lang/Class&lt;+Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;&gt;;)Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;" length="9">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="8" id="247" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="8" e="8" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=111;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="submitAndParse" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;" flags=' public' access="1" signature="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/ArrayList&lt;Lorg/apache/http/NameValuePair;&gt;;Ljava/lang/Class&lt;+Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;&gt;;Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;" length="137">
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-                                       <br s="9" e="11">
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-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="12" e="23">
-                                       <goto s="21" e="23">
-                                               <tg s="55" e="111" id="251" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="24" e="54">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="55" e="111">
-                                       <fall s="55" e="111" id="255" count="0"/>
-                                       <goto s="109" e="111">
-                                               <tg s="134" e="136" id="252" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="112" e="123">
-                                       <catch s="112" e="123" id="253" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="123" e="123" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="124" e="133">
-                                       <catch s="124" e="133" id="254" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="133" e="133" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="134" e="136">
-                                       <exit s="136" e="136" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=120;3=121;6=124;12=125;24=128;55=130;63=131;68=132;79=133;88=134;104=147;109=148;112=136;114=144;124=147;134=150;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;clinit&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' static' access="8" clinit="true" length="18">
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-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="9" e="12">
-                                       <goto s="10" e="12">
-                                               <tg s="14" e="17" id="259" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="13" e="13">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="14" e="17">
-                                       <fall s="14" e="17" id="260" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="17" e="17" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=31;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-       </package>
-       <package name="net.jaekl.qd.util">
-               <class name="ExceptionUtils" supername="java/lang/Object" checksum="3353308664" source="ExceptionUtils.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="5">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="261" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=8;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="tryClose" vmsig="(Ljava/io/Closeable;)V" flags=' public static' access="9" length="25">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="262" count="0"/>
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-                                               <cond s="5" e="10" id="264" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="5" e="10">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="11" e="13">
-                                       <fall s="11" e="13" id="267" count="0"/>
-                                       <goto s="11" e="13">
-                                               <tg s="24" e="24" id="265" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="14" e="23">
-                                       <catch s="14" e="23" id="266" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="23" e="23" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="24" e="24">
-                                       <exit s="24" e="24" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=11;5=12;11=17;14=15;15=16;24=18;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="ParseUtils" supername="java/lang/Object" checksum="624394704" source="ParseUtils.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="5">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="268" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=3;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="parseDouble" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;)D" flags=' public static' access="9" length="24">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="269" count="0"/>
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-                                               <cond s="5" e="13" id="271" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="5" e="13">
-                                       <br s="11" e="13">
-                                               <cond s="16" e="20" id="272" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="14" e="15" id="273" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="14" e="15">
-                                       <exit s="15" e="15" opcode="dreturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="16" e="20">
-                                       <exit s="20" e="20" opcode="dreturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="21" e="23">
-                                       <catch s="21" e="23" id="274" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="23" e="23" opcode="dreturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=7;14=8;16=11;21=13;22=14;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="parseInt" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;)I" flags=' public static' access="9" length="24">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="275" count="0"/>
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-                                               <cond s="5" e="13" id="277" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="5" e="13">
-                                       <br s="11" e="13">
-                                               <cond s="16" e="20" id="278" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="14" e="15" id="279" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="14" e="15">
-                                       <exit s="15" e="15" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="16" e="20">
-                                       <exit s="20" e="20" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="21" e="23">
-                                       <catch s="21" e="23" id="280" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="23" e="23" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=19;14=20;16=23;21=25;22=26;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="StringUtils" supername="java/lang/Object" checksum="3174979789" source="StringUtils.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="5">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="281" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=3;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="areEqual" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z" flags=' public static' access="9" length="22">
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-                                               <cond s="5" e="9" id="284" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="5" e="9">
-                                       <br s="7" e="9">
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-                                               <cond s="10" e="13" id="286" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="10" e="13">
-                                       <goto s="11" e="13">
-                                               <tg s="15" e="15" id="287" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="14" e="14">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="15" e="15">
-                                       <fall s="15" e="15" id="288" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="15" e="15" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="16" e="21">
-                                       <exit s="21" e="21" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=5;5=6;16=8;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-       </package>
-       <package name="net.jaekl.qd.xml">
-               <class name="MismatchedTagsException" supername="net/jaekl/qd/xml/XmlParseException" checksum="3062725623" source="MismatchedTagsException.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="15">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="14" id="289" count="0"/>
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-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=14;4=15;9=16;14=17;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getExpected" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="290" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=19;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getActual" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="291" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=20;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="MissingInfoException" supername="net/jaekl/qd/xml/XmlParseException" checksum="2789497018" source="MissingInfoException.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="32">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="31" id="292" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="31" e="31" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=16;4=17;9=18;20=19;31=20;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="addMissingAttribute" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="10">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="9" id="293" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="9" e="9" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=23;9=24;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="addMissingChild" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="10">
-                               <bl s="0" e="9">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="9" id="294" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="9" e="9" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=27;9=28;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getTagName" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="295" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=30;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getMessage" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="163">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="47" id="296" count="0"/>
-                               </bl>
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-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="57" e="98">
-                                       <goto s="96" e="98">
-                                               <tg s="48" e="56" id="299" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="99" e="106">
-                               </bl>
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-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="116" e="157">
-                                       <goto s="155" e="157">
-                                               <tg s="107" e="115" id="302" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="158" e="162">
-                                       <exit s="162" e="162" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=34;8=36;40=38;67=39;96=40;99=42;126=43;155=44;158=45;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="24" id="305" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="24" e="24" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=16;4=17;15=18;24=19;</lt>
-                       </meth>
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-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="10" e="10">
-                                       <exit s="10" e="10" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="11" e="29">
-                                       <goto s="27" e="29">
-                                               <tg s="42" e="42" id="309" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="30" e="41">
-                                       <catch s="30" e="41" id="310" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="41" e="41" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="42" e="42">
-                                       <exit s="42" e="42" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=24;10=25;11=29;27=33;30=31;32=32;42=34;</lt>
-                       </meth>
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-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="10" e="10">
-                                       <exit s="10" e="10" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="11" e="33">
-                                       <br s="31" e="33">
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-                                               <cond s="34" e="51" id="315" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="34" e="51">
-                                       <br s="49" e="51">
-                                               <cond s="53" e="68" id="316" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="52" e="52" id="317" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="52" e="52">
-                                       <exit s="52" e="52" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="53" e="68">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="69" e="71">
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-                                       <goto s="69" e="71">
-                                               <tg s="84" e="84" id="318" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
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-                                       <exit s="83" e="83" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="84" e="84">
-                                       <exit s="84" e="84" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=40;10=41;11=44;29=45;34=46;42=48;52=49;53=52;69=57;72=55;74=56;84=58;</lt>
-                       </meth>
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-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="31" e="40">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="41" e="43">
-                                       <fall s="41" e="43" id="326" count="0"/>
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-                                               <tg s="56" e="56" id="324" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="44" e="55">
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-                                       <exit s="55" e="55" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="56" e="56">
-                                       <exit s="56" e="56" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=64;12=65;24=66;31=67;41=72;44=70;46=71;56=73;</lt>
-                       </meth>
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-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="10" e="39">
-                                       <exit s="39" e="39" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="40" e="40">
-                                       <exit s="40" e="40" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=77;10=78;24=79;40=81;</lt>
-                       </meth>
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="0" id="330" count="0"/>
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-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=86;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="ignorableWhitespace" vmsig="([CII)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="1">
-                               <bl s="0" e="0">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="0" id="331" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="0" e="0" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=93;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="processingInstruction" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="1">
-                               <bl s="0" e="0">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="0" id="332" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="0" e="0" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=100;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="setDocumentLocator" vmsig="(Lorg/xml/sax/Locator;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="1">
-                               <bl s="0" e="0">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="0" id="333" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="0" e="0" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=105;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="skippedEntity" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="1">
-                               <bl s="0" e="0">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="0" id="334" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="0" e="0" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=110;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="startDocument" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" length="1">
-                               <bl s="0" e="0">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="0" id="335" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="0" e="0" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=115;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="startPrefixMapping" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="1">
-                               <bl s="0" e="0">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="0" id="336" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="0" e="0" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=122;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="ParseResult" supername="java/lang/Object" checksum="3007858202" source="ParseResult.java" flags=' public abstract'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;[[Ljava/lang/Object;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="161">
-                               <bl s="0" e="79">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="79" id="337" count="0"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="80" e="86">
-                                       <fall s="80" e="86" id="344" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="84" e="86">
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-                                               <cond s="87" e="109" id="339" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="87" e="109">
-                                       <goto s="107" e="109">
-                                               <tg s="80" e="86" id="340" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="110" e="112">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="113" e="119">
-                                       <fall s="113" e="119" id="345" count="0"/>
-                                       <br s="117" e="119">
-                                               <cond s="160" e="160" id="341" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="120" e="159" id="342" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="120" e="159">
-                                       <goto s="157" e="159">
-                                               <tg s="113" e="119" id="343" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="160" e="160">
-                                       <exit s="160" e="160" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=32;4=33;15=34;26=35;37=36;42=38;47=39;58=40;69=42;94=43;104=42;110=46;120=47;131=48;142=49;154=46;160=51;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="getTagName" vmsig="()Ljava/lang/String;" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="346" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=56;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="haveSeenMyTag" vmsig="()Z" flags=' public' access="1" length="5">
-                               <bl s="0" e="4">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="347" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="4" e="4" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=57;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="characters" vmsig="([CII)V" flags=' public' access="1" length="12">
-                               <bl s="0" e="11">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="11" id="348" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="11" e="11" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=61;11=62;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="collectParsedChildren" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/Class;)[Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;" flags=' protected' access="4" signature="(Ljava/lang/Class&lt;+Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;&gt;;)[Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;" length="83">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="15" id="349" count="0"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="16" e="24">
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-                                               <cond s="25" e="47" id="351" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="25" e="47">
-                                       <br s="45" e="47">
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-                                               <cond s="48" e="60" id="353" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="48" e="60">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="61" e="63">
-                                       <fall s="61" e="63" id="356" count="0"/>
-                                       <goto s="61" e="63">
-                                               <tg s="16" e="24" id="354" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="64" e="82">
-                                       <exit s="82" e="82" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=65;8=66;16=67;25=68;36=69;48=70;55=71;61=73;64=75;73=76;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="endElement" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z" flags=' public' access="1" length="114">
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-                                               <cond s="6" e="10" id="359" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="6" e="10">
-                                       <br s="8" e="10">
-                                               <cond s="19" e="35" id="360" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="11" e="18" id="361" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="11" e="18">
-                                       <exit s="18" e="18" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="19" e="35">
-                                       <br s="33" e="35">
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-                                               <cond s="36" e="37" id="363" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="36" e="37">
-                                       <exit s="37" e="37" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="38" e="48">
-                                       <br s="46" e="48">
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-                                               <cond s="49" e="54" id="365" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="49" e="54">
-                                       <exit s="54" e="54" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="55" e="59">
-                                       <br s="57" e="59">
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-                                               <cond s="60" e="61" id="367" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="60" e="61">
-                                       <exit s="61" e="61" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="62" e="82">
-                                       <br s="80" e="82">
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-                                               <cond s="83" e="93" id="369" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="83" e="93">
-                                       <exit s="93" e="93" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="94" e="113">
-                                       <exit s="113" e="113" opcode="ireturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=82;19=84;29=86;36=88;38=91;49=92;53=93;55=96;60=98;62=101;74=102;83=103;94=106;103=107;112=109;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="startElement" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/xml/sax/Attributes;)Lnet/jaekl/qd/xml/ParseResult;" flags=' public' access="1" length="152">
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-                                               <cond s="6" e="10" id="372" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="6" e="10">
-                                       <br s="8" e="10">
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-                                               <cond s="11" e="18" id="374" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="11" e="18">
-                                       <exit s="18" e="18" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="19" e="33">
-                                       <br s="31" e="33">
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-                                               <cond s="34" e="44" id="376" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="34" e="44">
-                                       <br s="42" e="44">
-                                               <cond s="52" e="53" id="377" count="0" val="true"/>
-                                               <cond s="45" e="51" id="378" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="45" e="51">
-                                       <exit s="51" e="51" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="52" e="53">
-                                       <exit s="53" e="53" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="54" e="64">
-                                       <br s="62" e="64">
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-                                               <cond s="65" e="75" id="380" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="65" e="75">
-                                       <exit s="75" e="75" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="76" e="94">
-                                       <br s="92" e="94">
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-                                               <cond s="95" e="125" id="382" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="95" e="125">
-                                       <exit s="125" e="125" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="126" e="137">
-                                       <catch s="126" e="137" id="383" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="137" e="137" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="138" e="149">
-                                       <catch s="138" e="149" id="384" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="149" e="149" opcode="athrow"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="150" e="151">
-                                       <exit s="151" e="151" opcode="areturn"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=116;19=118;27=120;34=123;45=124;50=125;52=132;54=136;65=137;74=138;76=141;89=142;95=144;105=145;115=146;126=148;128=149;138=151;140=152;150=157;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="validate" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" length="1">
-                               <bl s="0" e="0">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="0" id="385" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="0" e="0" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=164;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;clinit&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' static' access="8" clinit="true" length="18">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="8" id="386" count="0"/>
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-                                               <cond s="9" e="12" id="388" count="0" val="false"/>
-                                       </br>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="9" e="12">
-                                       <goto s="10" e="12">
-                                               <tg s="14" e="17" id="389" count="0"/>
-                                       </goto>
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="13" e="13">
-                               </bl>
-                               <bl s="14" e="17">
-                                       <fall s="14" e="17" id="390" count="0"/>
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-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=19;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-               <class name="XmlParseException" supername="net/jaekl/qd/QDException" checksum="3943647990" source="XmlParseException.java" flags=' public'>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="()V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="5">
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-                                       <methenter s="0" e="4" id="391" count="0"/>
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-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=9;4=11;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-                       <meth name="&lt;init&gt;" vmsig="(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V" flags=' public' access="1" cons="true" length="6">
-                               <bl s="0" e="5">
-                                       <methenter s="0" e="5" id="392" count="0"/>
-                                       <exit s="5" e="5" opcode="return"/>
-                               </bl>
-                               <lt>0=14;5=15;</lt>
-                       </meth>
-               </class>
-       </package>